Hi, I am Sebastien a professional wedding photographer based in UK. Since 10 years I have been accompanying couples in one of the most important moment of their lives and every time I do so with the same commitment as when I started. Every couple I meet tells me their story, their expectations, their fears so that I understand who they are and it is together that we work on their beautiful project. That helps making the photos as much authentic as possible.



Why giving you an hundred pictures when we can give you a thousand ?! We promise, you’ll get every single picture of your day.


Who dares to put a watermark on YOUR pictures ? Every pictures you’ll get will be watermark free and you’ll get a personal use copyright license.


Your love needs to stay away from prying eyes. All your pictures will be only accessible with a password.


Bring out the champagne ! You’ll pay no extra cost as we want to be totally transparent about our prices and packages.


You can send your lawyer in vacation, a contrat will be signed to protect both interests and to have no bad surprises or misunderstanding.



(Up to 12 hours coverage)

1 Photographer

Pre-wedding consultation

 Unlimited given pictures

Full resolution edited images on USB 

Edited pictures / Colour – Black&White 

Online gallery / Free digital download 

Print available on gallery

Delivery within 2 weeks 

No travel fees for London



(Minimum 2 hours coverage)

1 Photographer

Pre-wedding consultation

 Unlimited given pictures

Full resolution edited images on USB 

Edited pictures / Colour – Black&White 

Online gallery / Free digital download 

Print available on gallery

Delivery within 2 weeks 

No travel fees for London




You are on the verge to do you proposal to your beloved one and you’r right to think about having some photos of this moment. Proposal Photoshoot is FREE if you book a full day wedding package.

PRICE : £240


What a beautiful idea to warm up with your photographer before the big day. And you are going to have lots of nice pictures to announce your amazing day to your friends and family. 

PRICE : £240


Adding a second photographer is recom-mended if you are more than 150 guests and you don’t want to miss any moment of your day. And you will have so much more pictures at the end.

PRICE : £450


“Very good photographer that we recommend. Professional, very friendly, listens to our expectations and desires.”

Sylvie and Mika

“Sebastien understood perfectly our need and our vision of the wedding. His jokes and sense of humour contributed to the relaxed atmosphere we needed in such circumstances.”

Dorian and Daria

“We are so grateful to have so many memories of our wedding. It was a tough day but Sebastien never missed a single moment. Thanks again.”

Nasma and Nicolas

“Simple and professional, Sebastien immediately put us at ease during the couple photos. In addition he gave us good advices to find places to shoot.”

Liliana and Romain

“Words are missing to tell you how grateful we are for your amazing photos. We loved having you around, it was so much fun. Thank you so much Sebastien.”

Vincent and Aurelien

“Very professional, attentive, smiling, friendly, available, who knows how to capture the right moment while remaining discreet, I recommend.”

Geraldine and Arnaud

“The eye of the expert. A crazy talent to capture beautiful moments. He knows how to put us at ease, with professionalism and extra patience. Exceptional value for money!”

Marilyn and Jeremy

“The photos are beautiful. Sebastien walked among the guests and captured unique stolen moments. His work immediately pleased me and I don’t regret my choice. I highly recommend. Thank you again.”

Magali and Chris


I like that the photos are as spontaneous as possible. My style is very close to photo-reporting, I take everything that happens during the day whether it is the details or the sets. I am generally very discreet and blend myself as much as possible among the guests and sometimes I am a little more directive when it comes to taking group photos or during the couple session.

I always come with 2 cameras: the Canon 5D mk2 and the Canon 6D. I also have with me some flash units, a tripod and a whole lot of memory cards and batteries.

Your photos will be given to you in a small wedding box containing all the photos on a USB key. They will all be retouched, without watermark and of high quality allowing you to make prints of large size. The wedding box will also include some prints in standard format. You will also find all your photos in a personalized online gallery in which you will be able to select and order prints.

Yes. Your photo gallery will be password protected, but nothing prevents you from sharing it with your friends and family. Just give them the link to the gallery and the password.

In general over a whole day you will have at least 1000 photos. This number may vary depending on the events of the day. What is certain is that you will have all the photos I have taken during the day.

The day pass includes a few photo printed in standard format. If you want to print more photos, you can do it directly via your personalized photo gallery by selecting the photos and the number of prints you want.

I can create photo books at your request either by offering you a predefined model with a standard price or making a more personalized book if your budget is more flexible.

I can move outside of London. Travel costs may be added.

Travel is not charged for London. For a trip outside London you will have to bear the cost of the ticket.

No, I have no assistant with me. If I were to need one, you would be informed as soon as possible and it will be with your consent.

Yes. For each wedding or photoshoot, you will have to sign a contract. This will allow us to discuss a few important points together, to protect you in the event of a dispute and to block the date of the service.

You will be asked for a deposit of 30% of the total amount when signing the contract. This deposit will block the date for you. The remaining balance is due the day of the service. A contract protects you in the event of a delivery failure.

You can cancel the service under certain conditions. For weddings, if you cancel less than 9 months before the date I will keep the deposit. If you cancel more than 9 months, your deposit will be returned to you.

In the event of exceptional impediment on my part you are also protected, I can be replaced by another photographer or you will have the possibility of being reimbursed all of the sums you have given me.

Between the signature of the contract and the day of the wedding we remain in permanent contact. We will discuss the organization of the wedding, the places where we will take the photos, the ideas that we can put in place, etc. I will also contact you a few days before the date to verify that the information I have is always up to date.

To book or request a meeting, simply write to me via the contact form or write to me on this email:

It is even highly recommended. Being able to meet beforehand also allows us to see if we are on the same page to work together. In the event that a face to face meeting is not possible, we can always talk to each other on Skype – WhatsApp – Messenger.